A Career in Orthopaedics: Why I Love the Specialty

Almas Abbas, PA-C, grew up playing sports – and getting injured. Her on-field experiences inspired an early interest in how the body works and how best to treat herself, and eventually led to a career as a PA in orthopaedics.
Three PAs talking

CDC Outlines Recommendations for Providing Quality STD Clinical Services

As STD rates climb to unprecedented highs, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a new report, Recommendations for Providing Quality Sexually Transmitted Diseases Clinical Services, to highlight the services healthcare settings can offer to provide the highest-quality STD care.
Erin Stutz headshot

PA in Critical Care Shares 4 Crucial Tips

Erin Stutz, PA-C, started her career in hospital medicine and currently works in critical care in upstate New York. With her experience in both specialties, Stutz shares her top four tips for any PA who is caring for a critically ill patient.
Two PAs looking at a cellphone

Most Popular Apps for PAs

We asked AAPA’s early-career PAs and Student Academy about their favorite practice- or study-related apps. Fast, easy-to-use, and helpful apps came up again and again. Here are the apps we heard about most from our informal survey.
Electron microscopic image of the Ebola virus

Update on Ebola Diagnostics at the State and Federal Levels in the U.S.

During the upcoming CDC Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity (COCA) Call, clinicians can learn about options for testing suspected Ebola virus infection in coordination with state and local public health authorities and CDC, as well as the benefits and limitations of existing diagnostic tools.
PA talking to a patient

Screening for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force released today a final recommendation statement on screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). AAA often has no signs or symptoms and can burst, or rupture, without warning. Recommendations vary depending on sex, age, smoking status, and family history.