Our volunteer engagement structure allows for a wide variety of task-oriented, high-speed, outcome-focused opportunities. AAPA members play an integral role in addressing the ever-widening range of issues affecting healthcare and other topics relevant to our Strategic Plan. These opportunities may include task forces, focus groups, or expert panels; others may involve individual consultations with PAs and other experts with experience in a particular healthcare environment or specialty area.
If you have questions about any of these volunteer opportunities or groups, please email [email protected].
View House of Delegates volunteer opportunities
Download the AAPA Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Policy (PDF)
Disclosure & COI Video
Get helpful guidance on COI disclosure from this brief introductory video!
Commissions, Work Groups, Committees, and Task Forces
Commission on the Health of the Public
The commission was created to assist AAPA in matters related to areas of health policy, clinical guidelines, health initiatives and health disparities.
Judicial Affairs Commission
The Judicial Affairs Commission reviews AAPA bylaws and policy annually among other duties.
Commission on Continuing Professional Development and Education
The commission was created to assist AAPA on educational content planning, health systems leadership development, conflict of interest policies related to CME, certification changes and member engagement.
Commission on Government Relations and Practice Advancement
The Commission on Government Relations and Practice Advancement was created to assist AAPA on state and federal advocacy, external relations, constituent relations, payment policy and elevating the PA voice.
Commission on Research and Strategic Initiatives
AAPA’s Commission on Research and Strategic Initiatives was created to assist AAPA with trend-spotting, research and strategic initiatives related to changes in healthcare that impact PA value and the daily work of AAPA members.
Governance Committee
The Governance Committee works with all volunteer leadership groups to ensure charges and competencies are met for each group.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
The Commission on Diversity Equity and Inclusion was established to support AAPA’s pledge to promote equity, diversity and justice in healthcare. The Commission works with volunteer leadership groups’ and the sister organizations’ efforts to enhance diversity in the profession while mobilizing and solidifying the PA profession’s role in closing health equity gaps in the healthcare landscape.
Constituent Relations Commission
Constituent Relations Work Group of the Governance Commission charters new constituent organizations and approves recognition of specialty organizations and caucuses among other duties.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Work Group endorses candidates for the Board of Directors educates AAPA membership on the endorsement process.
HOD Appointments
View the composition of the HOD Appointed Committees and their charges.
Board of Directors-House of Delegates Joint Task Forces
View the composition of the BOD-HOD Joint Task Forces and their charges.
JAC Ethical Conduct Task Force
This Task Force is charged with the work of reviewing and recommending revisions to the Guidelines for Ethical Conduct for the PA Profession.