AAPA conducts original research on and writes about the PA profession, monitors PA compensation and benefits, and provides support to PAs interested in research.
Latest Announcements
The Patient Experience – Perspectives on Today’s Healthcare
The Harris Poll recently conducted a public opinion survey, commissioned by AAPA, to understand patient experiences and identify how PAs can improve access to care and overall patient outcomes.
Resources, Activities, and Opportunities
Salary Report and Other Research Publications
Thanks to PA responses to our surveys, we can give you the latest data and info in our research reports and publications, News Central articles, and extended data briefs.
Research Events at AAPA Conferences
Learn more about Research in Action and browse ePosters from AAPA’s most popular conferences – and find abstracts published in JAAPA! The call for submissions is now open! You can review the submission guidelines and apply today!
Fellowship and Grant Funding
Learn about the AAPA-PAEA Research Fellowship and its application cycle, find out about live events, and meet the Fellows.
Research Requests, Support, and Partnerships
Get help finding specific statistics on the PA profession, accessing data, fielding surveys, and collaborate with the Research Team.
Research Resources
Find the resources you need for your research! Whether you are just starting out or an experienced scholar, AAPA has curated CME and resources to help.
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
Use current, relevant findings from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) as a resource for empowering your patients.