Research Events at AAPA Conferences

ePosters and Research in Action

The call for submissions for AAPA 2025 is now closed. Thank you to everyone who submitted and to all reviewers! Notifications are expected to be sent out mid-February.


AAPA 2024 Research Activities

The call for submissions for AAPA 2025 is now closed.

Research Row:
Conduct your own research with a dedicated space on Research Row inside the Expo. Research Row is available to persons/organizations interested in conducting research involving PA and PA students. Reach out to Heather for more information.

Research Presentations

Both ePoster and Research in Action feature original research from PAs and PA students on topics from case studies and clinical research to educational and outreach innovations to demonstration projections and quality improvement activities.


The AAPA Poster Session features original research from PAs and PA students on topics from case studies and clinical research to educational and outreach innovations to demonstration projections and quality improvement activities.

Did you know that each year JAAPA publishes select AAPA conference ePoster abstracts? These abstracts are indexed in OVID and searchable on PubMed. You can find them online today!

Research in Action

Research in Action are 25-minute podium presentations for which attendees receive Category 1 CME credit. One speaker from each Research in Action presentation will receive a small honorarium.


There are two venues for presenting ePosters: (1) ePoster Research Rounds (CME) which are 6-minute presentations within a 25-minute time block held in a CME room and (2) ePoster Meet the Authors (non-CME) which are 5-minute presentations within a 60-minute time block in Expo.

Industry Sponsored ePosters. We are once again accepting industry-sponsored ePosters. Corporate/industry research will only be considered for ePoster Meet the Author Sessions if a PA is directly involved in the research. All other corporate/industry ePosters will be displayed on the ePoster kiosks without other presentation opportunities. Corporate/industry posters may be published on along with the other digital ePosters, upon payment of a publication fee.

Proposal Process. We have transitioned to a new platform. We hope this makes your experience easier.

Research Completeness. Your ongoing research project does not need to be completed by the time of your presentation if you are submitting new primary research. Please indicate the work is ongoing within the submission portal, include preliminary results, proposed analyses, anticipated findings, and applications for the research.

Questions? Email us.

Stay up to date with AAPA Research and get notified when there are opportunities for funding, calls for volunteers, or other major news from Research by signing up for our mailing list.

Support PA Research

One simple way you can support PA research is to become a peer reviewer. Both the ePoster Session and Research in Action series rely on peer reviewers from JAAPA to maintain the high quality of submissions and participants.

Interested in becoming a peer reviewer for JAAPAVisit