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VA Implements Competitive Pay, Other Advances in PA Practice

AAPA applauds the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for releasing an updated PA Handbook which implements competitive pay for PAs along with other changes related to the PA profession that will modernize the VA’s qualification standards for PAs and expand access to care to our nation’s veterans.
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AAPA Announces 2020-2021 Employers of Excellence

AAPA is pleased to announce the 2020-2021 Employers of Excellence. The award program is designed to showcase organizations that have recognized the value PAs bring to healthcare teams by creating and maintaining opportunities for PA leadership and professional growth. The program is the first and only PA-specific award program available to organizations.
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PA Foundation Announces Nutrition Outreach Fellows

The PA Foundation recently selected 40 PAs from across the country to be a part of the new Nutrition Outreach Fellowship. Through the fellowship, PAs will receive special training and resources on nutrition to both enhance their clinical practice and to give back to their healthcare peers and the community at large.
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PA Foundation Announces Scholarship for Black PA Students

The PA Foundation, the philanthropic arm of AAPA, is pleased to announce the launch of the Joyce Nichols Memorial Scholarship. A groundbreaker in the PA profession, PA Nichols, who passed away in 2012, was the first woman and the first Black woman to practice as a PA.