AAPA CEO, Jennifer L. Dorn, MPA, Appointed to Dept. of Veterans Affairs Veterans’ Family, Caregiver, and Survivor Advisory Committee

Jennifer L. (Jenna) Dorn, CEO of AAPA, has been appointed by Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary David J. Shulkin to serve as a member of the newly formed VA Veterans’ Family, Caregiver, and Survivor Advisory Committee. The Committee will advise the Secretary on matters related to Veterans’ families, caregivers, and survivors, with a focus on gaining a better understanding of the use of VA care and benefits services.

Eliminating Key Practice Barriers Associated with Higher PA Salaries

The American Academy of PAs has released the 2017 AAPA Salary Report, the only PA salary resource that provides detailed information about base salary, base hourly wage, bonus, and benefits. One of the significant findings in this year’s report is that PA base salaries are higher in states that have eliminated one of two key barriers to PA practice.

Compensation Disparity Between Female and Male PAs Persists

Research conducted by AAPA, and published this month in Women’s Health Issues, found that female PAs are compensated 89 cents for every dollar men are compensated. Although this 11 percent disparity is less than the national average of 82 cents per dollar most recently reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it remains unacceptable.

Congress Moves to Improve Pay for PAs in the VA

August 3, 2017 – The American Academy of PAs applauds Congress for passage of legislation that will implement competitive pay for PAs at the Department of Veterans Affairs, the single largest employer of PAs in the U.S. The VA Choice and Quality Employment Act now moves forward to the President’s desk for signature.

American Academy of PAs Welcomes L. Gail Curtis as President and Chair

July 20, 2017 – L. Gail Curtis, MPAS, PA-C, assumed leadership of the American Academy of PAs on July 1.  As president and chair of the Board of Directors, Curtis will lead the national professional organization which represents the interests of more than 115,500 PAs in the United States.

PAs Vote to Advance Profession to Meet Modern Healthcare Needs

At the annual conference of the American Academy of PAs, members of its House of Delegates unanimously approved Optimal Team Practice, a new policy intended to enhance the ability of PAs to meet the needs of patients and ensure the future of the profession in a changing healthcare marketplace.