PAs participating in the PA Day on the Hill at the Utah Supreme Court

Get Involved at the State Level to Impact PA Practice

A new year offers new opportunities to advocate for the PA profession and patients! AAPA’s state advocacy and outreach team responds to several questions about how to get involved at the state level.
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AAPA Response to AMA’s #StopScopeCreep Campaign

On behalf of the more than 140,000 PAs across this country who work alongside physicians in every medical setting and specialty, we ask that the American Medical Association (AMA) cease advancing the false and offensive narrative in your #StopScopeCreep campaign, which suggests PA care is not safe and jeopardizes patient safety.
PAs sitting at a table, laughing and talking

Locum Tenens Offers Work/Life Balance and a Fresh Start

PAs can turn to locum tenens as a full-time career alternative that allows them to take control of their own schedule, establish a better work/life balance, and enjoy a regular change of scenery.
Dana Urban with her classmates

PA Inspires Patient to Follow in her Footsteps

Dana Urban has known she’s wanted to be a PA since she was 12 years old. In 2005, she met Amanda Asaro, MPAS, PA-C, who was part of her healthcare team. Asaro’s compassion, kindness, and care made a lasting impact on her patient.
Erin Stutz headshot

PA in Critical Care Shares 4 Crucial Tips

Erin Stutz, PA-C, started her career in hospital medicine and currently works in critical care in upstate New York. With her experience in both specialties, Stutz shares her top four tips for any PA who is caring for a critically ill patient.
"Tell us what you're most proud of from the last 10 years of your career." text graphic

Looking Back: PAs Share Personal Triumphs from 2010s

AAPA wanted to check in with PAs and PAs-to-be about their experiences in the 2010s. So, we asked them on social media about their proudest accomplishments and biggest career breakthroughs and here are a few of the responses.
Paula Miksa headshot

10 AAPA Resources Faculty Advisors Should Know About

Paula Miksa, PA-C, is passionate about helping PA students become leaders. She takes every opportunity to empower and encourage PA students to consider leadership opportunities. A faculty advisor, she shares ten resources she’s found most helpful when guiding student leaders.