PA Student Isaac Esene Leads GoodWorks, a Nonprofit that Teaches Bystander Awareness to the Next Generation

After losing peers to violent situations in high school, PA student Isaac Esene founded GoodWorks, a nonprofit that teaches young people CPR, Stop the Bleed techniques, and other skills related to bystander response. His goal is to provide the next generation with the knowledge they need to respond in the event of violence or medical emergencies—and potentially save lives.

The PA’s Guide to Moonlighting: Opportunities and Obstacles

Whether you're aiming to supplement your income or delving into a new venture, moonlighting presents a chance to earn more and expand your expertise. However, before diving in, it's crucial to navigate potential legal pitfalls.

AAPA Launches PAthways Program to Foster Diversity Within PA Profession

The American Academy of Physician Associates (AAPA) announces the launch of PAthways, an initiative aimed at fostering diversity within the PA profession. Backed by a Communities in Action for Health Equity grant from Pfizer, PAthways marks a significant step toward building a more inclusive healthcare workforce by seeking to diversify one of the fastest growing healthcare professions in the country.

Activation of PA Licensure Compact to Improve Access to Patient Care

The American Academy of Physician Associates (AAPA), Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), and National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA) announce that a licensure compact for physician assistants (PAs) was activated by the recent signing of legislation in Virginia.

Innovating Healthcare: Embracing the Quintuple Aim with AAPA Leadership

AAPA is thrilled to announce a recent partnership with Kevin Riddleberger, PA and co-founder of DispatchHealth, to bring you an exciting series of articles on innovation in healthcare. Riddleberger's unique background and perspectives will challenge us to think differently, inspire us about what's possible, and showcase innovative models that are shaping the future of healthcare.