There are so many ways to be a PA…from clinical practice in dozens of specialties to non-clinical careers in research and education. Check out our video to help you explore your options and take advantage of tools to help you get there!
Tackling Clinical Rotations
Conquer clinical rotations! Learn common do's and don'ts with our video and get even more helpful and detailed tips with our guide.
Pre-PA Membership
You’ve set your sights on becoming a PA student. You’re working hard on passing prerequisites, gaining healthcare experience, and doing everything you can to stand out on your PA school application. One easy way to do that? Join AAPA as a Pre-PA member and stay ahead of the curve.
PA School Application Checklist and Timeline
This quick checklist and timeline will provide some structure when preparing your application for CASPA. Use this guide to prevent potentially costly mistakes and delays in submitting your application.
Advice for PA Students from the AAPA Community
Huddle, AAPA’s members-only online community, fosters discussion amongst PAs and serves as a repository for helpful career-related information. Recently, seasoned PAs shared their best advice for PA students and new…
PA Student to PA: Navigating the Transition
While the transition from program to practice may seem overwhelming and nerve-wracking, PA students can set themselves up for a successful career start with these tips.
Become a PA
A PA (physician associate/physician assistant) is a nationally certified and state-licensed medical professional. Learn how to acquire the experience you need for PA school and how to get and maintain your certification.