Person videocalling with three others

How to Advocate in a Time of Social Distancing

Now more than ever, PAs should be advocating for the profession, sharing their stories with legislators about the critical role PAs play in healthcare delivery. Learn about ways to build and keep up these important relationships when in-person meetings are not an option.
Three women pose in front of the Capitol building

PAs: Your Legislators Are Waiting to Hear From You!

While AAPA plays a critical role in representing the profession in Washington, D.C., and in state capitals, individual PAs are just as important when it comes to advocacy. Become an effective and passionate advocate using these four easy steps.
Twitter app opening on iPhone

5 Steps You Can Take to Elevate your Organization’s Social Media

When used effectively, social media provides PA organizations opportunities to engage more people, meet goals, and further the profession. Here are some tips to help your caucus, chapter, special interest group, or specialty organization build its social media presence.

PAs and Advocacy: The Power of the Individual

PAs can create change for the profession through grassroots advocacy or donating to PA PAC. PAs often don’t realize the power they have as constituents – that legislators want to hear from PAs. PAC support from PAS can help ensure our champions remain in Congress. California PA Jeremy Adler says he contributes to PA PAC because it has the potential to improve his ability to practice.