Making EHR Systems Work for PAs

Electronic health record (EHR) systems have been a challenge for many healthcare professionals in terms of systems not being user-friendly, a lack of interoperability and the concern that the patient-clinician relationship is being compromised as health professionals spend more time looking at computer screens and less time interacting with patients. However, EHRs have the ability to coordinate care for individuals, improve health for populations, increase efficiency, and reduce healthcare costs.

What PAs Want in the Workplace: Providing Meaningful Input to Employers

AAPA’s Center for Healthcare Leadership & Management (CHLM) identified five key drivers as criteria for its Employer of Excellence Awards. To help employers attract and retain PAs and improve their bottom line, CHLM explores employer practices that contribute to an ideal PA workplace. This article examines how one organization seeks PA input to facilitate positive organizational change.

PAs Influential in Fight Against Flu

PAs can be influential in convincing adult patients, particularly those ages 65 and above, to get a flu vaccine. With the CDC naming Dec. 3-9, 2017, as National Influenza Vaccination Week, it is timely and important to talk to patients about the dangers of flu and strategies for prevention.

A Sisterhood of PAs

Despite their seven-year age difference, two sisters from Virginia are attending PA school at the same time. Debbie and Stephanie Smith have both been interested in medicine from a young age, but their paths to becoming a PA have been very different.

Volunteering as a PAth to Career Growth

Volunteering can offer very real career benefits, including the opportunity to expand your professional network and visibility in your community, to explore new practice areas and roles, to keep medically and professionally active during times of career or life transition, and to build leadership skills.

AAPA and SDPA Respond to New York Times

On Nov. 20, the New York Times ran a story that both the American Academy of PAs (AAPA) and the Society for Dermatology PAs (SDPA) found misleading and one-sided. AAPA President and the SDPA President submitted a joint letter to the editor providing feedback on the piece.