PA Julie Mueller Thrives in Remote Antarctica

PA Julie Mueller has twice spent short periods in Antarctica to provide medical care and will return for six weeks this winter. A common thread ties Antarctica to the isolated clinics where she works in Idaho, Wyoming, and Alaska.

6 Success Tips for PA School

PA students from around the country answered our question: what do you wish you’d known before you started PA school? Use their tips to make your didactic and clinical years successful.

Caring for Those Behind Bars Becomes PA’s Lifelong Profession

After working for more than 35 years in the New York State Department of Corrections, PA Bohdan “Ben” Darnobid never once “clocked out” after a hard day’s work feeling dejected. He chronicled his experiences in a self-published book, “Prison Doc, Thirty Five Years.”

Everything You Want to Know About Hospital-Employed PAs

PAs employed by hospitals comprise 34.9% of PAs in the profession. Academic medical centers are the most common hospital employer, with nearly half (46.4%) of hospital-employed respondents working for them.

6 Steps to Become a PA

Becoming a PA is a long process that will pay off once you obtain your white coat and your certification. Follow these steps to join a flexible, in-demand profession.

AAPA to Enhance Continuing Medical Education Criteria

Today, the American Academy of PAs announced modifications to its Continuing Medical Education criteria. These changes will align AAPA’s criteria with those of the Joint Accreditation for Interprofessional Continuing Education and its emphasis on delivering continuing education planned by the healthcare team and for the healthcare team.