SMI Adviser

This is a national initiative that serves clinicians and providers across all mental health practice settings. Their services offer evidence-based answers that support your clinical decisions for individuals who have…

IMPACT Grant Program

PA Foundation’s IMPACT Grant program provides funding to encourage and support PA and PA student involvement in programs that support patient-centered, community-based health projects within the United States and its…

Addressing Obesity: A Community of Practice Series

This series will cover obesity topics such as the latest treatment options, patient/provider communication and engagement techniques, new best practices in obesity care, and more. The series will include interactive…

Nutritional Needs in Older Adults

Malnutrition syndromes are being encountered with increased frequency in PA clinical practice across a wide range of medical specialties. This activity focuses specifically on the unique nutritional needs of older…

Sondra DePalma with a patient

5 Tips for Better Patient Nutrition Counseling

PAs are in a unique position to be leaders in nutrition management on behalf of their patients. Addressing nutrition in sensitive ways can have a significant impact on patients’ health. Here are five tips for PAs as they counsel patients on nutrition.