A summary of PA roles and responsibilities related to the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, including medical screening exams, certifying false labor, emergency department call, and transferring patients.
A summary of PA roles and responsibilities related to the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, including medical screening exams, certifying false labor, emergency department call, and transferring patients.
A summary of opportunities and challenges for PAs interested in practice ownership.
This data brief from AAPA provides a status update on telemedicine usage during the COVID-19 pandemic and outlines trends and barriers to use.
PAs, if authorized by State law, institutional policy, and scope of practice, may provide and be reimbursed for nearly all telehealth and telemedicine under Medicare and most Medicaid and commercial…
Issue brief on physician assistants (PAs) in orthopaedics and “orthopaedic physician’s assistants” (OPAs).
Sexual violence affects every demographic and every community, making this a serious public health concern. PAs can improve their ability to treat all survivors of sexual violence through continuing education…