PA Act Modernization Bills Advance in Several States

AAPA Urges PAs and PA Supporters to Take Part in State Chapter Pushes to Contact Legislators

March 17, 2023

The 2023 state legislative season is in full swing, and it’s proving to be a busy year for PA state chapters pursuing changes to law that will expand access to care and strengthen team-based healthcare. In recent weeks, several states have progressed in their efforts to modernize their state PA practice laws! For more information, contact [email protected].

SB 112 passed the Arkansas State House on March 14 by a vote of 92-0. SB 112 authorizes PAs to be identified as a treating provider for insurance billing and claims, and it authorizes PAs to bill and receive payment for provided healthcare services.

On March 15, the bill was sent to Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ desk to be signed.

On March 7, HB 2043 passed the Arizona State House by a vote of 42-8. HB 2043 would remove the legal requirement for most PAs with 8,000 hours of clinical practice to have a written agreement with a specific physician.

The bill has been assigned to the Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

AAPA encourages all Arizona PAs to get involved in the Arizona State Association of Physician Assistants’ grassroots efforts by emailing your state senators and asking for their support for HB 2043.

On February 28, HB 313 passed the Montana State House by a vote of 92-7. HB 313 moves the relationship between PAs and physicians from supervision to collaboration and removes the legal requirement for most PAs with 8,000 hours of clinical practice to have a written agreement with a specific physician.

HB 313 will be heard by the Senate Committee on Public Health, Welfare and Safety on March 22.

Montana PAs are encouraged to get involved in the Montana Academy of Physician Assistants’ grassroots efforts by emailing your state senators and asking for their support for HB 313.

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