National Health Priority Toolkit:


Diabetes is one of four AAPA National Health Priorities targeted as part of a national movement for healthier bodies and minds. Do your part to tackle this chronic condition by using the resources in this toolkit, including free CME, clinical guidelines, research, and much more.

Quickly find the tools you need on our searchable National Health Priority Resources page.
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0 million

Americans have diabetes

0 million

Americans have pre-diabetes

Resources for Connected Insulin Pens

The Connected Insulin Pen Toolkit is a hub for various resources designed to help you and your patients utilize Connected Insulin Pens. View educational materials including hypothetical patient cases, interactive tip sheets, and expert-led video demonstrations.

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Diabetes Technology and Nutrition

This program is designed to help the diabetes care team on the front lines of primary care master the latest evidence-based recommendations for the implementation and management of cutting-edge diabetes technology.

Diabetes Disaster Response Coalition

Find resources to help health care providers ensure people living with diabetes have access to diabetes medications and testing supplies needed to stay healthy during an emergency.

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Resources for Diabetes

Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) is the leading funder of patient-centered comparative clinical effectiveness research (CER) in the United States. PCORI has curated all of their resources on diabetes to support patients, communities, and clinicians to make informed healthcare choices.


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Let’s have a conversation about how PAs are addressing this national health priority.

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AAPA and the PA Foundation continually commit substantial resources to preventing and treating diabetes in communities across the nation. Together with industry, health system, and community partners, we are giving PAs the knowledge and the tools needed to make a difference.