An In-Depth Guide to PA Recruiting

Learn about the remarkable contributions that PAs make every day and gain insights into how you can recruit highly qualified PAs for your open positions. Read interviews from expert sources…

PA Scope of Practice

PAs are proven and integral members of the U.S. healthcare system. But what exactly do PAs do? And who decides? The boundaries of each PA’s scope of practice are determined…

PA Practice Resources

It is important to understand training, competencies, and the scope of practice of PAs. Knowledge of PA practice can optimize patient care while maintaining compliance with Federal laws and regulations.…

Sharmila Sewell performing a medication reconciliation in her patient's home

PAs Help Close Gaps in Care Through House Calls

As an in-home healthcare provider, Sarah Kaplan, PA-C, is among a rapidly growing number of medical professionals who are revitalizing the once-common practice of bringing urgent and primary care services directly into the homes of their patients.
Huddle Ask Me Session Telemedicine graphic

Virtual Health PAs Share Insight to Rapidly Growing Healthcare Space

Huddle’s latest Ask Me session recruited virtual medicine PAs Desmond Watt and Amanda Shelley to engage in field-related discussions with AAPA members. Virtual health, or telemedicine, is an emerging healthcare space that PAs have the opportunity to not only join, but lead.