PA JobSource is an interactive, map-based career exploration platform that is available exclusively for AAPA members. Explore the map and connect with virtually every PA employer in the United States today.
Salary Report 2024
Get the pay and benefits you deserve with the 2023 AAPA Salary Report. Negotiate your salary with this resource, free to fellow, student & retired members.
Three Steps to Making a Non-Clinical Career Move
The PA profession offers unique latitude and flexible employment opportunities across the medical spectrum. For those PAs interested in non-clinical career options, Jennifer Hohman, founder of PA Career Coach, offers…
PA Portfolio
PA Portfolio is a secure, online sharing and storage tool for important education, licensing and certification, and career records.
Wage PArity
AAPA is working to solve the PA pay gap by making sure that every PA has the tools they need to effectively negotiate their pay and benefits. The articles, resources, and tips on this page are the first step you can take with us to make this happen!
Cost of Living Calculator
Use our calculator to compare the cost of living of various urban areas. A helpful tool to utilize alongside the AAPA Salary Report.
2019 AAPA Salary Report
Get the pay and benefits you deserve with the 2019 AAPA Salary Report. Free to AAPA fellow, student and retired members.
Pros and Cons of Signing a PA Employment Contract
Is it always in a PA’s interest to have an employment contract? Are there some situations in which it is better to go without one?