Cohort Billing

Invest in your students’ success with AAPA Student memberships. AAPA is your partner in supporting the next generation of PAs.

PA JobSource

PA JobSource is an interactive, map-based career exploration platform that is available exclusively for AAPA members. Explore the map and connect with virtually every PA employer in the United States today.

PA Laws and Regulations, 24th Edition

The most up-to-date and comprehensive collection of key provisions in PA laws and regulations, including the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories. Learn about general requirements…

The Essential Guide to PA Reimbursement 2024

The Essential Guide to PA Reimbursement provides a detailed summary and explanation of the key aspects of coverage, payment and regulatory policies related to reimbursement for medical and surgical services delivered by PAs.

Guide to PA Regulations and Compliance 2023

The Guide to PA Regulations and Compliance provides PA policy and compliance guidance to PAs, PA leaders and managers, administrators, employers, commercial payers, and regulatory agencies—a definitive resource on PA…

PA Laws and Regulations, 23rd Edition

The most up-to-date and comprehensive collection of key provisions in PA laws and regulations, including the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories. Learn about general requirements…

Fellow Membership Options

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Auto Renewal

Ready to update your AAPA membership? Just log in before your membership automatically renews and chose your perfect fit!