PA State Laws and Regulations, 20th Edition

The most up-to-date and comprehensive collection of key provisions in state PA laws and regulations, including the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Learn about general requirements for PA…

The Essential Guide to PA Reimbursement 2023

The Essential Guide to PA Reimbursement provides a detailed summary and explanation of the key aspects of coverage, payment and regulatory policies related to reimbursement for medical and surgical services delivered by PAs.

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Affiliate Membership

Learn more about affiliate membership. As an Affiliate member, you have access to most of AAPA’s benefits and services. Affiliate members are other healthcare professionals who want to stay current with the PA profession.

PA State Laws and Regulations, 19th Edition

The PA State Laws and Regulations, 19th Edition is the most up-to-date and comprehensive collection of key provisions in state PA laws and regulations, including the 50 states and the…

PA Profession Information, Facts & Resources

Are you looking to introduce prospective students, university colleagues, or even potential employers to the PA profession? Our new What is A PA? page has printable fact sheets, infographics, FAQs, and historical milestones to assist you educating your students and the general public about the PA profession.