Career Resources

Showing: 16 – 30 of 49
Financial Fundamentals: Tools for Pursuing Financial Health with play button

Financial Fundamentals: Tools for Pursuing Financial Health

In this one-hour webinar, learn what it takes to get into PA school and how to make yourself a more competitive applicant.

Katherine Thompson

How PAs Can Provide Compassionate Care to Survivors of Interpersonal Violence

AAPA enlisted Katherine Thompson, PA-C, a practicing PA in emergency medicine and urgent care for four years, to respond to Huddle’s Ask Me on interpersonal violence (IPV) and forensic medicine. Read her advice on how healthcare providers can identify and manage IPV survivors.

Thumbnail for Protecting Your Assets and Your Career webinar

Protecting Your Assets and Your Career

Learn basic concepts of medical malpractice law, how they apply to PAs, and how you can transfer malpractice risk away from the PA’s personal assets.

Thumbnail for Surviving and Thriving in Your Clinical Rotations webinar

Surviving and Thriving in Your Clinical Rotations

Get an overview of helpful tips and pearls of wisdom for students entering the clinical phase of their education. Learn how to study during clinicals, how to elicit and act on feedback, and ultimately maximize the clinical experience.

PA on the computer

You’ve Been Hacked! Lessons Learned from a Cyber Breach

A small Texas practice’s electronic health records were hacked and held for ransom. For days, while pen and paper kept the practice going, a PA wondered whether she’d face a financial hit from the cyber breach.

Thumbnail for Educating Employers About PAs video

Video: Educating Employers About PAs

Be ready to educate your current and future employers about working with PAs using these talking points.

Three PAs talking

How PAs with High PQ Enhance Patient Care

Every PA knows continuing to develop your people skills is critical to having the kind of influence you want to have on your patients and healthcare team members. You need a high interpersonal intelligence quotient, or PQ.

Sharmila Sewell performing a medication reconciliation in her patient's home

PAs Help Close Gaps in Care Through House Calls

As an in-home healthcare provider, Sarah Kaplan, PA-C, is among a rapidly growing number of medical professionals who are revitalizing the once-common practice of bringing urgent and primary care services directly into the homes of their patients.

Huddle Ask Me Session Telemedicine graphic

Virtual Health PAs Share Insight to Rapidly Growing Healthcare Space

Huddle’s latest Ask Me session recruited virtual medicine PAs Desmond Watt and Amanda Shelley to engage in field-related discussions with AAPA members. Virtual health, or telemedicine, is an emerging healthcare space that PAs have the opportunity to not only join, but lead.

Guide icon with a computer, pen and paper

Worksheet: Creating a Budget

One of the key transitions from PA program to practicing is financial. We’ve got PA-specific budget worksheets to help you make a personal financial plan.

PA Nazila Shagagi and Dr. Vo via Bentley, the telemedicine robot

The Top 7 Things Every PA Should Know About Virtual Medicine and Telemedicine

What do virtual medicine, telehealth, telemedicine mean? And how might they affect you and your daily practice? Desmond Watt, PA-C, president of the PAs in Virtual Medicine and Telemedicine special interest group, shares what you should know.

Thumbnail for Top Tips for a Healthy PA Work Life video

Video: Top Tips for a Healthy PA Work Life

Building a rewarding and successful PA career involves more than caring for your patients. We’ve got some expert advice in our video on how to avoid pitfalls, take care of yourself, and establish healthy relationships.

Resigning From Employment

Moving on from your current job? We’ve got the guidance – and the checklist – you need on how to transition gracefully, along with tips on what to handle before your final day.

Tackling Clinical Rotations

Conquer clinical rotations! Learn common do’s and don’ts with our video and get even more helpful and detailed tips with our guide.