Career Resources

Here’s How Every PA Can Play a Role in Mental Healthcare

Megan Pinder, MMS, PA-C, is an advocate for psychiatric patients both personally and professionally. She responds to questions about PAs’ role in mental health, how access, socioeconomic status, and stigma impact patient mental health, and how to advocate for mental health patients.

Health Inequities: How PAs Can Help Bridge the Care Gap

The PA Foundation’s Vital Minds podcast featured a discussion on how health disparities have been exacerbated by COVID-19, the role socioeconomic factors and insurance may play in health disparities, and how PAs – and other allies – can help bridge the care gap.

Expert Advice on Providing Trans-Affirming Healthcare

AAPA invited PAs Lauren Eisenbeis and Jo Rolls to host Huddle’s latest Ask Me session on transgender healthcare. Eisenbeis and Rolls used their expertise from years of experience to provide advice and resources for PAs to provide trans-affirming healthcare to patients.

PA Practice Resources

It is important to understand training, competencies, and the scope of practice of PAs. Knowledge of PA practice can optimize patient care while maintaining compliance with Federal laws and regulations. It’s a ‘win’ for PAs, employers, and patients.

Katherine Thompson

How PAs Can Provide Compassionate Care to Survivors of Interpersonal Violence

AAPA enlisted Katherine Thompson, PA-C, a practicing PA in emergency medicine and urgent care for four years, to respond to Huddle’s Ask Me on interpersonal violence (IPV) and forensic medicine. Read her advice on how healthcare providers can identify and manage IPV survivors.

PA School Interviews 101

In this one-hour webinar, learn what it takes to get into PA school and how to make yourself a more competitive applicant.

PA Application Secrets: Your PA Application

In this one-hour webinar, learn what it takes to get into PA school and how to make yourself a more competitive applicant.

Rocking Your Personal Statement

In this one-hour webinar, learn what it takes to get into PA school and how to make yourself a more competitive applicant.

Three PAs talking

How PAs with High PQ Enhance Patient Care

Every PA knows continuing to develop your people skills is critical to having the kind of influence you want to have on your patients and healthcare team members. You need a high interpersonal intelligence quotient, or PQ.

Three PAs having a conversation in the hallway

How to Be A Good PA Colleague

Every PA shows up to work ready to take the best care of their patients, and work towards the best patient outcomes. But each of us also contributes to our work environment. How we contribute defines us as a colleague.

Huddle Ask Me Session Telemedicine graphic

Virtual Health PAs Share Insight to Rapidly Growing Healthcare Space

Huddle’s latest Ask Me session recruited virtual medicine PAs Desmond Watt and Amanda Shelley to engage in field-related discussions with AAPA members. Virtual health, or telemedicine, is an emerging healthcare space that PAs have the opportunity to not only join, but lead.

PA Nazila Shagagi and Dr. Vo via Bentley, the telemedicine robot

The Top 7 Things Every PA Should Know About Virtual Medicine and Telemedicine

What do virtual medicine, telehealth, telemedicine mean? And how might they affect you and your daily practice? Desmond Watt, PA-C, president of the PAs in Virtual Medicine and Telemedicine special interest group, shares what you should know.

Accepted: The Secrets to a Successful PA School Application

In this one-hour webinar, learn what it takes to get into PA school and how to make yourself a more competitive applicant.

Accrue Healthcare Experience and Patient Care Experience Before Applying to PA School

Accruing Healthcare Experience (HCE) and Patient Care Experience (PCE) hours is one of the most time-intensive aspects of applying to PA school. Here are recommendations to obtain these patient-related work hours.

PA School Application Checklist and Timeline

This quick checklist and timeline will provide some structure when preparing your application for CASPA. Use this guide to prevent potentially costly mistakes and delays in submitting your application.