PA Scope of Practice

PAs are proven and integral members of the U.S. healthcare system. But what exactly do PAs do? And who decides? The boundaries of each PA’s scope of practice are determined…

PA Profession Information, Facts & Resources

Are you looking to introduce prospective students, university colleagues, or even potential employers to the PA profession? Our new What is A PA? page has printable fact sheets, infographics, FAQs, and historical milestones to assist you educating your students and the general public about the PA profession.
A physician associate/physician assistant in surgical gear

What is a PA?

What is a PA (physician associate/physician assistant)? PAs are licensed clinicians who practice medicine in every specialty and setting.

Competencies for the Physician Associate Profession

Professional competencies for physician assistants include the effective and appropriate application of medical knowledge, interpersonal and communication skills, patient care, professionalism, practice-based learning and improvement, and systems-based practice.

Become a PA

A PA (physician associate/physician assistant) is a nationally certified and state-licensed medical professional. Learn how to acquire the experience you need for PA school and how to get and maintain your certification.