You’ve set your sights on becoming a PA student. You’re working hard on passing prerequisites, gaining healthcare experience, and doing everything you can to stand out on your PA school application. One easy way to do that? Join AAPA as a Pre-PA member and stay ahead of the curve.
PA Student Scholarships
Over the years, the PA Foundation has awarded more than $2.25 million in scholarships to PA students, benefiting more than 1,400 future PAs. The 2019 scholarship cycle will open March…
PA School Application Checklist and Timeline
This quick checklist and timeline will provide some structure when preparing your application for CASPA. Use this guide to prevent potentially costly mistakes and delays in submitting your application.
5 Tips for Surviving Your Clinical Rotations
Program directors share collected wisdom to ensure you make it through your clinical phase, plus student resources to help you along the way.
Student Board Committees
Each of the student board committees has its own assigned AOR resolutions and charges. Read their descriptions and find out more about their advisers and members.
Classroom Ready Lectures
Deliver one of our ready-made presentations or introduce a flipped classroom model with content from one of our national learning initiatives.
PA Student Reimbursement Resources
We’ve put together some our best resources to help introduce your students to the concepts of reimbursement.
PA Profession Information, Facts & Resources
Are you looking to introduce prospective students, university colleagues, or even potential employers to the PA profession? Our new What is A PA? page has printable fact sheets, infographics, FAQs, and historical milestones to assist you educating your students and the general public about the PA profession.
Clinical Tools
AAPA’s clinical tools will support your students as they go into rotations and gain confidence as clinicians.