Publications & Data Briefs

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Cover of AAPA Brief Report: Insight's into PAs' Experiences Working with Patients with Obesity.

Insights into PAs’ Experiences Working with Patients with Obesity

Insights into PAs’ Experiences Working with Patients with Obesity: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Barriers to Care is a data brief from the AAPA. Data for the 2022 AAPA Treatment of Obesity Survey were collected from March 21 through April 3, 2022. Almost all PAs are working with patients with obesity, even if it is not a health condition they are evaluating or treating. Two out of three PAs (69%) indicated that 26% or more of their patients have a formal diagnosis of obesity and one out of four (28%) indicated that 51% or more had a formal diagnosis of obesity.

Disclosures: The 2022 AAPA Treatment of Obesity Survey was sponsored by Novo Nordisk. Novo Nordisk provided some guidance to formulate the survey approach. AAPA had final approval for all questions within the survey. PAs were informed that Novo Nordisk sponsored the study at the conclusion. Participant identities were not disclosed.

PA Use of Telemedicine in June 2020: Trends and Implications for PAs

This data brief from AAPA provides a status update on telemedicine usage during the COVID-19 pandemic and outlines trends and barriers to use.