Maryland Governor Signs PA Practice Modernization Bill Into Law
The first change to Maryland PA Practice Laws in 25 Years
May 16, 2024
Maryland Gov. Wes Moore signed the PA Modernization Act (HB0806/SB0167) into law, marking the first major change to physician assistant (PA) practice law in Maryland in 25 years.

The bill transforms the PA/physician relationship from a delegation agreement to a collaboration agreement, recognizing the role that PAs play in healthcare settings and the collaborative nature of their work with physician colleagues.
“As the healthcare workforce shortages grow, we must think of proactive solutions to guarantee that Maryland patients can access the healthcare they deserve,” said MdAPA Legislative Director Jennifer Grover, DHSc, MMS, PA-C. “The PA Modernization Act recognizes the critical role that the more than 3,600 Maryland PAs play in healthcare today.”
The modernization act provides more flexibility to PAs in the event that their collaborating physician no longer practices. This is especially important as more physicians near or exceed the retirement age. Under current law, PAs must discontinue practice in 15 days if the physician no longer practices, potentially leaving patients in that area with no healthcare options. The modernization act will allow PAs to continue to practice in collaboration with other physicians, ensuring there are fewer disruptions for patients seeking healthcare.
Folusho E. Ogunfiditimi, DM, MPH, PA-C, DFAAPA, president and chair of AAPA, said the Modernization Act is a win for patients and providers alike.
“So much has changed in medicine over the last 25 years. The Maryland PA Modernization Act recognizes those changes and ensures that practice laws better align with how healthcare is delivered in 2024,” Ogunfiditimi said. “I applaud the tireless efforts of Maryland PA leaders and state legislators for passing this bill.”
{Learn more on different state’s PA practice environment here}
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