Definition: Self-assessment educational activities provide a mechanism for learners to conduct a systematic review of their own performance, knowledge base or skill set in a defined area of practice. Examples include self-administered exams with feedback and case study portfolios.
Accreditation Period: One year
Type of Credit Issued: AAPA Category 1 Self-Assessment CME credit
Eligibility Criteria
- The activity must comply with AAPA CME Criteria (PDF).
- In general, a minimum of 10 questions are required per credit. At their discretion, reviewers may approve fewer questions per credit if justified by the complexity of the questions and the time required for a learner to formulate a response. For example, clinical vignettes that require data collection as well as analysis can be time-consuming. Likewise, lengthy rationales of over 250 words may influence their decision.
- Self-assessment questions must be presented prior to any discussion of related content. The self-assessment questions should serve as a stimulus for learning.
- The rationale for the correct answer must be thoroughly explained in the presenter’s slide deck (or in the feedback automatically displayed when a learner selects an answer option for enduring activities). The presence of questions in the context of a lecture alone does not make a lecture qualify as self-assessment.
- Self-assessment questions must be presented in multiple-choice format with at least four response options. True/false, “fill in the blank” and open-ended response items are not appropriate for self-assessment activities.
- At least one reference must be provided in support of the rationale for each correct answer.
- The activity must include at least one mechanism to engage learners.
- Sample engagement mechanisms for live activities
- Audience Response System
- Colored Cards: Learners signal their responses to questions that the moderator poses by holding up one of four differently colored cards. Each color represents a specific response (e.g. A, B, C or D).
- Graded Answer Sheets: Moderators distribute self-assessment questions, collect responses, grade them, and then provide rationales and feedback.
- Small Group Discussions: Moderators provide time for small group discussion regarding self-assessment questions and allow groups to report out their responses.
- Sample engagement mechanisms for enduring activities
- Online: Participant selects their answer prior to seeing which answer is correct and the rationale for the correct answer.
- Monograph: A book and answer sheet where the participant can document their answer on the answer sheet before they go to a separate part of the book to learn the correct answer/rationale.
- Some form of takeaway must be available to learners to guide their future learning.
- Sample takeaways for live activities
- Answer sheet for learners to record their responses and track areas for further study
- Digital report from the Audience Response System
- Printed or electronic copy of the presenter’s slides, including the questions. While a handout with the correct answers can be provided following the live activity, be careful not to include notation of the correct answers in anything provided to participants at the outset of the activity.
- Sample takeaways for enduring activities
- The ability for a learner to see a summary of which questions she or she answered correctly and incorrectly, and to review the correct answers with rationales and references.
- Enduring activities must be graded, require a minimum passing score of 70 percent, and allow for multiple attempts to achieve the passing score. Live activities do not need to be graded.
Supporting Documents − Attachments to Your Application
- Sample Disclosure Form (PDF)
- Sample Evaluation Form (PDF)
- Sample Self-Assessment Certificate (DOCX)
- Activities Details Worksheet (XLS)
- Tips for a Successful Application (PDF)
- How to Incorporate Self-Assessment CME into an In-Person Meeting
- AAPA’s Self-Assessment Design Guide for Live CME Activities (PDF)