Career Resources

A physician associate/physician assistant in surgical gear

What is a PA?

What is a PA (physician associate/physician assistant)? PAs are licensed clinicians who practice medicine in every specialty and setting.

PA Executive: Javier Esquivel-Acosta

Physicians have traditionally filled the roles of medical directors. However, with the right background and determination, many PAs have shown they, too, have what it takes to be successful in those positions. One prime example is PA Javier Esquivel-Acosta, who for several years served as associate medical director at the Foothill Community Health Center (FCHC) in San Jose, Calif. The center oversees a number of local health clinics throughout the area.

What You Always Wanted to Know About EMPAs, But Were Afraid to Ask

In this article written for the American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians, the Society of Emergency Medicine Physician Assistants (SEMPA) provides a brief history of emergency medicine PAs (EMPA), gives a primer on PA training and discusses EMPA onboarding and utilization.

PAs in Administration

For Sheri A. Shebairo, MBA, PA-C, getting to the bottom of an issue has been a driving force throughout her professional life. Her first career was as a television news reporter in New York, but she always knew she wanted to have a more personal impact on the lives of others.

Outside the Clinic

Do you ever wonder about the options for nonclinical employment open to you as a PA? There are many available.

Competencies for the Physician Associate Profession

Professional competencies for physician assistants include the effective and appropriate application of medical knowledge, interpersonal and communication skills, patient care, professionalism, practice-based learning and improvement, and systems-based practice.

PA Employer Q&A with Allegheny Health Network

Allegheny Health Network champions PAs.

Making the Case for Improving PA Utilization and Retention

Senior executive for the largest hospital system in Texas expounds on PA hiring, utilization and retention.

Employing a PA thumbnail

Employing a PA

PAs are crucial in primary care. Find out why you should hire one for your team.