Career Resources

Keys to a Thriving PA-Physician Team

The happiest PAs feel like they are part of a vital, mutually supportive team. Read on to learn the most common roots of dissatisfying team relationships and learn the PA Career Coach’s tips for cultivating and maintaining a strong relationship with the physicians on your team.

Specialty Transitions: Researching the Best Options for You

PA Career Coach Jennifer Hohman frequently works with clients who are considering changing their specialty. Find out how she helps her clients find the right specialty for them through careful self-assessment, research, and networking.

Advice for New Grads: Landing Your First PA Job

Looking for your first PA position? Whether you’re a student or a recent graduate – this is your insider guide to networking, negotiating, and finding your passion!

Smiling PA in blue scrubs

Your Top 5 Career Questions Answered by the PA Career Coach

Jennifer Anne Hohman, the PA Career Coach, answers the top five questions we heard from PAs this year. She offers her expert advice on asking for a raise, negotiating (and renegotiating) your salary, how to land a job as a new grad, and more.

PA smiling on the computer

How to Tailor Your Job Application for a Specialty Transition

Any successful career transition is rooted in self-knowledge, curiosity and a zestful movement towards what inspires you as a clinician. PAs have unique career journeys given their ability to navigate specialty transitions that can be both exciting and daunting.

Allyson Hamacher

Tips for New PAs on How to Grow Your Role at Work

Are you a new PA who is ready to grow your role and increase responsibilities at work? Two members of the Early Career PA Commission, Allyson Hamacher, PA-C, and Jack Ward, PA-C, share tips for other early career PAs.

Three PAs talking

Why I Changed Specialties as a PA

One of the major advantages of becoming a PA is that it is relatively easy to change from one specialty to another without the need for new certification. More than 50% of PAs will change specialties during their careers, according to AAPA’s Salary Report.

PA Student to PA: Navigating the Transition

While the transition from program to practice may seem overwhelming and nerve-wracking, PA students can set themselves up for a successful career start with these tips.