Career Resources

Beyond Your Day Job: Career Advancement via Side Gigs

Join PA Shayne Foley, co-founder of The PA Blueprint, LLC, in this interactive webinar that explores side gigs for PAs. Attendees can earn 1.0 AAPA Category 1 CME credit.

PA School Interviews 101

In this one-hour webinar, learn what it takes to get into PA school and how to make yourself a more competitive applicant.

PA Application Secrets: Your PA Application

In this one-hour webinar, learn what it takes to get into PA school and how to make yourself a more competitive applicant.

Rocking Your Personal Statement

In this one-hour webinar, learn what it takes to get into PA school and how to make yourself a more competitive applicant.

Accepted: The Secrets to a Successful PA School Application

In this one-hour webinar, learn what it takes to get into PA school and how to make yourself a more competitive applicant.