Beyond Your Day Job: Career Advancement via Side Gigs
Date: Sept. 12, 7 p.m.-8 p.m. ET
Led by PA Shayne Foley, co-founder of The PA Blueprint, LLC, this interactive AAPA members-only webinar explores side gigs for PAs, a professional trend that is growing in popularity and opportunity. Topics include the pros and cons of side gigs, examples of opportunities available, how to choose the optimal fit, common pitfalls, professional tips, and more. Attendees can earn 1.0 AAPA Category 1 CME credit.
Speaker: Shayne Foley, MS, PA-C

Shayne Foley is a certified and full-time PA with 10 years of practice under his belt. Shayne has worked in internal medicine, urgent care, and currently family medicine. He is involved in PA education as an adjunct faculty member, preceptor, and mentor. In an effort to expand his impact on the profession, he co-founded The PA Blueprint, LLC, whose mission is to provide career education to current and future PAs. Shayne and The PA Blueprint co-founder Jordan Fisher, PA-C, have worked with 35 PA programs around the country, and their work has been featured on AAPA’s Career Central, as well as multiple PA-related podcasts and blogs. Shayne has established himself as an important contributor to the PA profession through his teaching, writing, and online presence, and is passionate about moving the profession forward.