PA PAC Logo 2022

AAPA Political Action Committee: PA PAC

Welcome! AAPA’s Political Action Committee, PA PAC, supports candidates for Congress (both Republicans and Democrats) who are committed to the principles that drive the PA profession.

You must be a member of AAPA in order to support AAPA PAC.

PA PAC Infographic

How PA PAC advocates for PAs on Capitol Hill – and how PAs compare to other healthcare providers. Available to members only.

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PA PAC 2023 Annual Report

American Academy of PAs Political Action Committee Annual Report. Available to members only.

Read Report

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PA PAC: Myths and Facts

American Academy of PAs Political Action Committee. Myths and Facts. Available to members only.

Read PAC Myths

PA PAC Board of Trustees 2023-2024

  •  Samantha Rogers, PA-C, MMS, DFAAPA (Chair)
  • Stephen Lewia, DMSc, PA-C (Chair-elect)
  •  Duncan R. Daviau, MPAS, PA-C (Trustee)
  • William Reynolds, Jr., MPAS, PA-C, DFAAPA (Immediate Past Chair)
  • Lisa Gables, AAPA Chief Executive Officer (Treasurer)
  • Chantell Taylor, Chief of Public Affairs & Advocacy (Assistant Treasurer)
  • Kristin Butterfield, AAPA Director of Grassroots and Political Advocacy, Staff Advisor

Who can contribute to the PA PAC?

Individual members of AAPA, as well as AAPA employees, may contribute to PA PAC. Federal law prohibits AAPA from using member dues for political contributions. PA PAC is funded through voluntary, individual contributions from AAPA members and employees only. AAPA cannot accept contributions from corporations, non-members, and non-U.S. citizens. Federal law requires PA PAC to collect and report the name, address, occupation and employer of individuals contributing more than $200 in a calendar year. Contributions to PA PAC are not tax deductible as charitable contributions.

See the list of PA PAC Cornerstone Contributors

Questions? Contact Kristin Butterfield, Director, Grassroots and Political Advocacy, at [email protected] for more information.

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Federal Priorities

Read factsheets on current AAPA policy priorities, including fighting the opioid epidemic and advancing the PA profession.

Communications with Congress

Find AAPA’s communications with Congress, including letters and comments on legislation. The advocacy team promotes our priorities and the PA profession.

Communications with Federal Executive Branch

Read the latest communications from AAPA to federal agencies and find out how AAPA works to promote the profession through regulatory advocacy.