Federal Advocacy
Ensuring the voice of the PA profession is heard in Washington, DC, AAPA works closely with federal lawmakers, the White House, and government agencies to advance the PA profession and remove barriers that prevent patients from receiving high-quality, cost-effective care provided by PAs.
Federal Priorities
Read factsheets on current AAPA policy priorities, including fighting the opioid epidemic and advancing the PA profession.
Communications with Congress
Find AAPA’s communications with Congress, including letters and comments on legislation. The advocacy team promotes our priorities and the PA profession.
Communications with Federal Executive Branch
Read the latest communications from AAPA to federal agencies and find out how AAPA works to promote the profession through regulatory advocacy.

PA PAC provides a means for PAs to participate in the political process on a national level.

Advocacy Action Center
Communicate with legislators on PA priority issues.

State Practice Profiles
View a snapshot of PA practice in your state.