Title Change
Title Change Implementation
The official title of the PA profession is “physician associate.” As the organization representing the PA profession, AAPA has transitioned to the American Academy of Physician Associates.
PAs should continue to use “physician assistant” or “PA” as their official legal title in a professional capacity, particularly in clinical settings and with patients. AAPA is transitioning to the use of “physician associate” when possible and when it does not present a legal or regulatory conflict.
Please see the FAQs for answers to popular questions.
Title change implementation is a complex undertaking that will take time to wholly implement. It also involves other national PA organizations (PAEA, NCCPA, and ARC-PA), PA programs, AAPA Constituent Organizations, as well as state and federal governments, regulators, and employers. As this process unfolds, AAPA will continue to provide updates.
Title Change Vote
On May 24, 2021, after much debate and discussion, the AAPA House of Delegates (HOD) passed a resolution affirming “physician associate” as the official title of the PA profession by a majority vote of 198 to 68. For more information on the HOD and its responsibility regarding a title change, check out our FAQs.
Updated FAQs
We know you have questions about this extremely complex issue. AAPA has updated the Title Change FAQs to address your questions and concerns about the new professional title. We will update this page regularly, so please bookmark it for easy access.
How Did We Get Here?
At the May 2018 AAPA House of Delegates (HOD) meeting, a resolution passed requesting that the AAPA Board of Directors (BOD), “contract with an appropriate independent consulting/research firm(s) to investigate state/federal, financial, political, branding aspects, and alternatives to the creation of a new professional title for physician assistants that accurately reflects AAPA professional practice policies…” To learn more about the Title Change Investigation study, including changes that will need to be made and estimated costs associated with those changes, AAPA members can access the November 2020 Physician Assistant Title Change Investigation Final Report to the AAPA House of Delegates.