Obesity: A Disease

Obesity: A Disease is the official Obesity Medicine Association (OMA) podcast exploring the many facets of the disease of obesity.

The Five As

The 5 As motivational interviewing technique has been shown to increase patient motivation and behavioral change in obesity management.

Diet Assessment Decision Tool

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) created this tool to help practitioners and decision makers understand dietary patterns and nutrient intake. Use the tool to identify methods to…

Prescription Medications & Weight Gain

This article by the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) discusses what patients need to know about prescription medicine and weight gain. It includes a table that details medications known to possibly…

SMART Goals for Healthy Weight

Created by the Ohio Cardiovascular and Diabetes Health Collaborative (Cardi-OH), this worksheet helps patients and providers work together to set weight loss goals that are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant,…

Motivational Interviewing for Obesity Treatment

The Obesity Medicine Association (OMA) created this resource on motivational interviewing, a patient-centered counseling technique that incorporates listening, interpersonal skills, and support to bring a patient from ambivalence to behavioral…