PAs sitting at a table, laughing and talking

Locum Tenens Offers Work/Life Balance and a Fresh Start

PAs can turn to locum tenens as a full-time career alternative that allows them to take control of their own schedule, establish a better work/life balance, and enjoy a regular change of scenery.
Person using a MacBook Air

How to Stay Sane During the Job Search Process

The job search is an exciting process that can yield great insights into your PA career priorities and goals. While challenging at times, here are some suggestions for making your next job search effective, rewarding, and enjoyable.
One PA smiling at camera and one PA on computer

Find Your Passion at Any Stage of Your PA Career

Whether you are just starting your PA career, are in mid-practice, or near retirement, be cognizant of what drives and ignites you. By taking inventory, considering new initiatives, and talking to other PAs, you can find your passion.