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Showing 1 to 10 results out of 5080
The most up-to-date and comprehensive collection of key provisions in state PA laws an...

  The most up-to-date and comprehensive collection of key provisions in state PA laws and regulations, including the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Learn about general requirements for…

By ianderson, on 02/08/2017

Are you interested in becoming a subject matter expert (SME) volunteer on behalf of AAPA? If so, we...

Are you interested in becoming a subject matter expert (SME) volunteer on behalf of AAPA? If so, we want you as a Volunteer SME Ambassador. As an AAPA Volunteer SME…

By Caitlin Harrison, on 02/15/2019

Volunteering with the Medical Reserve Corps helps individuals master a variety of skills – in me...

Volunteering with the Medical Reserve Corps helps individuals master a variety of skills – in medicine, public health, safety, logistics, communications or a number of other areas.

By Caitlin Harrison, on 02/15/2019


By Caitlin Harrison, on 02/15/2019

Project HOPE (Health Opportunities for People Everywhere) volunteers make an impact all over the gl...

Project HOPE (Health Opportunities for People Everywhere) volunteers make an impact all over the globe. It is a volunteer-valued organization offering quality international and domestic programs. Project HOPE provides medical training and health…

By Caitlin Harrison, on 02/15/2019

Home document.createElement('video'); https://yo...

Home PA Title Change Investigation: What You Should Know

By ahunt, on 06/07/2019

Earn CME with this popular PA-hosted monthly podcast. AAPA members listen for 3 months free!...

Earn CME with this popular PA-hosted monthly podcast. AAPA members listen for 3 months free!

By Emily Pollock, on 07/29/2019

Use these rules and best practices to utilize email to reach members and nonmembers....

Use these rules and best practices to utilize email to reach members and nonmembers.

By Emily Pollock, on 08/22/2017

Although you do not need to be an expert in PA coverage policies, you should have a general understa...

Although you do not need to be an expert in PA coverage policies, you should have a general understanding of reimbursement issues.

By ianderson, on 06/27/2019

A PA is a nationally certified and state-licensed medical professional. Learn how to acquire the exp...

A PA is a nationally certified and state-licensed medical professional. Learn how to acquire the experience you need for PA school and how to get and maintain your certification.

By ianderson, on 07/01/2019