Nevada Governor Signs Bill Giving PAs a Voice in Public Health

PAs gain seat on State Board of Medical Examiners

June 15, 2023

On June 9, Nevada Gov. Joe Lombardo signed into law AB364, legislation that revises the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners to include PA representation on its 11-member board. The bill ensures PAs are part of conversations surrounding quality of public health and patient care in Nevada.

“AB364 aimed to create a favorable PA practice landscape in Nevada,” Nevada Academy of Physician Assistants (NAPA) President Domonique Katona said. “While the final bill did not include some changes to state law that NAPA advocated for, having PA representation on the State Board of Medical Examiners is a step in the right direction. This legislation ensures the needs of PAs and their patients are represented.”

The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners will be comprised of six physicians; one practitioner of respiratory care (a new provision with AB364); three Nevada residents of at least five years to represent the interests of patients and agencies that provide health care to patients who are indigent, uninsured, or unable to afford healthcare; and one PA.

“NAPA extends thanks to Gov. Joe Lombardo, Assemblywoman Lesley Cohen, Assemblyman Philip P.K. O’Neill, and Sen. Pat Spearman for supporting the bill,” Katona said.

With the signing of the bill, Nevada is one step closer to an optimal PA practice environment.

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