New CMS Waiver Provides Additional PA Practice Flexibility
Waiver Effective Immediately and Lasts Through the Federally-Declared PHE
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) yesterday released additional regulatory flexibilities in response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE). The new waiver authorizes PAs to deliver visits to Medicare beneficiaries in a skilled nursing facility (SNF) previously required to be provided by physicians. This latest CMS relaxation in rules includes authorizing PAs to personally perform the SNF comprehensive visit and removes the requirement for PAs and physicians to alternate every other SNF required visit. This waiver is effective immediately and lasts through the federally-declared PHE. AAPA will aggressively push CMS to make these regulatory changes permanent.
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Department of Health and Human Services Urges Governors to Remove Barriers to PA-Provided Care during COVID-19 Response
CMS Removes Unnecessary Administrative and Regulatory Requirements for PAs, Other Health Professionals
Be Aware of Obstacles to Transparency of Services Provided by PAs