Task Force on Public Statements

Task Force Charges

  • Scan the healthcare and association environments to identify trends in how organizations similar to AAPA respond to major events related to social cultural, and ethnic issues and world conflicts.
  • Review AAPA’s recent history of making statements and assess common criteria that may have been used to inform such decisions.
  • Review AAPA’s Policy Manual to consider the implications to PAs and the general public at large of making statements in lieu of existing and non-existing House of Delegates (HOD) policies.
  • Develop and propose a Board Academy (BA) Policy with criteria and guidelines that would reflect the BOD’s position on making public statements in response to major events.
  • Submit the draft BA Policy for consideration by the AAPA Board of Directors.

Task Force Members

  • Chair: Jason Prevelige, DMSc, MBA, PA-C, DFAAPA, Connecticut (AAPA Board Member)
  • Vic Holmes, PA-C, Texas (Member-at-large)
  • Karina Arrelucea, PA-C, New Jersey (Member-at-large)
  • Laura Kostos, PA student, Massachusetts (Member-at-large)
  • Melinda Rawcliffe, MPAS, DMSc, PA-C, Arizona (Commission on Government Relations & Practice Advancement Designee)
  • Billy Collins, DHSc, PA-C, Texas (Commission on the Health of the Public Designee)
  • Patti Cuartas, PA-C, MBA, PMP, FACHE, ACHIP, Pennsylvania (Commission on Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Designee)
  • Deanna Najeram MPAS, MS, PA-C, DFAAPA, Maryland (AAPA Board Member)
  • Michael Rudolph, PhD, ARC-PA Commissioner, Tennessee (ARC-PA Representative)
  • Beverly Black, MHSA, CAE, South Carolina (NCCPA Representative)

Staff Advisor

Aimee Brierly, Senior Director of Communications, [email protected]