Career Resources

Three PAs talking

Why I Changed Specialties as a PA

One of the major advantages of becoming a PA is that it is relatively easy to change from one specialty to another without the need for new certification. More than 50% of PAs will change specialties during their careers, according to AAPA’s Salary Report.

Resigning From Employment

Moving on from your current job? We’ve got the guidance – and the checklist – you need on how to transition gracefully, along with tips on what to handle before your final day.

Your Step-by-Step Guide for Starting a New Job

Use our checklist to be prepared to start practicing strong on day one.

Plan Time Away and Return to Practice

Taking a break and returning to practice is a common pattern in the PA career cycle. Planning and preparation can make all the difference in how smooth or how challenging the resumption of PA practice will be.

PAs and Consent to Settle

AAPA Insurance offers consent to settle with no hammer clause, and might be the right choice for you.

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PAs Working Abroad: Resources and Information

Practicing abroad is a great way to enhance your experience as a PA – both professionally and personally. But international practice requires more preparation than practicing in the U.S.

Planning a Break From Clinical Practice

Thinking about taking a break from clinical practice? Here are some tips to make a clear reentry plan so you can resume practicing as quickly and seamlessly as possible.

Changing Specialties

Learn about the educational resources that are available to help you switch from one specialty to another.

Malpractice Insurance Basics

Learn the basics of malpractice insurance.