Career Resources

PA on the computer

How PAs Can Take on More Responsibility Without Burning Out

As we advance in our careers, it’s natural to want to take on more responsibility. But there’s a tricky balance – we don’t want our PA practice or our enthusiasm for healthcare to suffer. Follow these four tips to take on more without burning out.

PA sitting at her desk, smiling

Looking for a Non-Clinical Role? Consider Medical or Clinical Science Liaison

PAs who serve as medical and clinical science liaisons play a unique role in pharmaceutical and other medical organizations. They use their clinical skills to interpret clinical trials, medications’ chemical composition, safety matters, and help to educate clinicians.

Your Step-by-Step Guide for Starting a New Job

Use our checklist to be prepared to start practicing strong on day one.

DeTroye laughing while accepting her EOE award alongside two others

How to Find Your Voice at the Leadership Table

Looking for ways to ensure that your voice is heard at the leadership table? Alisha T. DeTroye, MMS, PA-C, DFAAPA, director of PA Services at Wake Forest Baptist Health and president-elect of North Carolina Academy of PAs, shares her tips.

Andrea Lowe headshot

PA, Leadership Consultant, Career Expert: Meet Andrea Lowe

Andrea Lowe, MHA, PA-C, has a lot of ideas about raising PA public awareness and increasing career opportunities for PAs. Lowe practiced as a PA in emergency medicine and then transitioned to increasingly visible leadership roles.

One PA smiling at camera and one PA on computer

Find Your Passion at Any Stage of Your PA Career

Whether you are just starting your PA career, are in mid-practice, or near retirement, be cognizant of what drives and ignites you. By taking inventory, considering new initiatives, and talking to other PAs, you can find your passion.

Katherine Wilkens, Kasey Drapeau D’Amato, and Stephen D’Amato posing outside

PA Entrepreneur Develops Popular Skincare Line

Kasey Drapeau D’Amato, a PA in dermatology, used her clinical skills to build a skincare business. Read how D’Amato became an entrepreneur and started Airelle Skincare. She also shares her skincare secrets and advice for PAs who want to start a business.

Three Steps to Making a Non-Clinical Career Move

The PA profession offers unique latitude and flexible employment opportunities across the medical spectrum. For those PAs interested in non-clinical career options, Jennifer Hohman, founder of PA Career Coach, offers tips and ideas for your next steps.

PA Executive: Javier Esquivel-Acosta

Physicians have traditionally filled the roles of medical directors. However, with the right background and determination, many PAs have shown they, too, have what it takes to be successful in those positions. One prime example is PA Javier Esquivel-Acosta, who for several years served as associate medical director at the Foothill Community Health Center (FCHC) in San Jose, Calif. The center oversees a number of local health clinics throughout the area.

Effective Career Navigation Starts With Self-Assessment

One of the great, unique attributes of the PA profession is its breadth of career possibilities across the spectrum of medical, and increasingly, nonclinical practice.

PAs in Administration

For Sheri A. Shebairo, MBA, PA-C, getting to the bottom of an issue has been a driving force throughout her professional life. Her first career was as a television news reporter in New York, but she always knew she wanted to have a more personal impact on the lives of others.

Outside the Clinic

Do you ever wonder about the options for nonclinical employment open to you as a PA? There are many available.

Clinical Preceptor Recognition Program

AAPA recognizes the hard work of preceptors through its Clinical Preceptor Recognition Program.

Distinguished Fellow Program

AAPA honors Distinguished Fellows for leadership, service, and contributions made to the PA profession.