Career Resources

Key Networking Tips for Pre-PAs

Do you want to learn from the experiences and insights of PA and PA student experts? This article includes the biggest takeaways from participants of the Pre-PA Virtual Mixer, including how to prepare for PA school and excel in your career as a PA.

PA Investment Opportunities

You may be familiar with terms like 401K, Roth IRA, employer match, and Health Savings Account, but are you confident you know how to leverage these savings opportunities effectively? In this article, PA 4 Finance Founder, Andrew Baker, shares his advice on kick-starting your savings and calculating your personal risk tolerance.

New Grad Financial Blueprint

PAs need to make important financial decisions throughout their careers. Begin your journey towards financial freedom with this financial blueprint for new grads.

Spring Cleaning Your Finances

Are you nervous about upcoming student loan payments? Do you want to reevaluate your budget but don’t know where to start? “Spring Cleaning Your Finances” is a quick guide to reviewing your spending, setting big goals, and planning for financial freedom.

Kris Pyles-Sweet, MS, PA-C; Travis Randolph, PA-C; Emily WhiteHorse, Ph.D., PA-C; Melissa Ricker, PA-C

Insider Tips on Popular PA Specialties

PAs know that career flexibility is a built-in benefit of the profession. But it can be overwhelming to think about transitioning specialties. Do you have enough experience? What’s the best way to get your foot in the door? Four experts share their insights.

Which PA School is For You? 5 Factors to Consider

With over 200 accredited PA programs throughout the country, how do you decide which one is right for you? Here, five important factors to consider.

5 Things to Do Before PA School

While it’s no secret that getting through PA school is one of the most difficult tasks you’ll ever accomplish, there are a few things you can do to ensure that you pass with flying colors.

Accrue Healthcare Experience and Patient Care Experience Before Applying to PA School

Accruing Healthcare Experience (HCE) and Patient Care Experience (PCE) hours is one of the most time-intensive aspects of applying to PA school. Here are recommendations to obtain these patient-related work hours.

5 Tips for Surviving Your Clinical Rotations

Program directors share collected wisdom to ensure you make it through your clinical phase, plus student resources to help you along the way.

Advice for PA Students from the AAPA Community

Huddle, AAPA’s members-only online community, fosters discussion amongst PAs and serves as a repository for helpful career-related information. Recently, seasoned PAs shared their best advice for PA students and new grads.

PA Student to PA: Navigating the Transition

While the transition from program to practice may seem overwhelming and nerve-wracking, PA students can set themselves up for a successful career start with these tips.