Career Resources

Navigating the Job Search as a New Grad

Finding your first PA job is challenging enough, and even more so during a pandemic. Join AAPA for this webinar about navigating a job search as a new grad.

Putting on Your Oxygen Mask: The Importance of Taking Care of Your Mental Health to Succeed in PA School

Mental health affects everyone from PA students to practicing PAs. Join AAPA for this webinar featuring a discussion on mental health. Learn what you can do now to and as you prepare for your PA career to take care of yourself!

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Surviving and Thriving in Your Clinical Rotations

Get an overview of helpful tips and pearls of wisdom for students entering the clinical phase of their education. Learn how to study during clinicals, how to elicit and act on feedback, and ultimately maximize the clinical experience.

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Drinking From a Fire Hydrant: How to Study Effectively in PA School

By focusing on the finish line from the very start, developing strong personalized study skills, and maintaining a willingness to adapt, students will learn how to feel confident on test day through both didactic and clinical years.

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Missing Out Because You Aren’t LinkedIn

Don’t overlook the importance of a professional profile on LinkedIn while you are a PA student.

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Getting Hired for Your First PA Job: Secrets From a PA Employer

Come hear tips and tricks as you prepare for the PANCE. From study hints to day-of pointers, this session is for all the test takers… the cautiously optimistic, the nervous wrecks, and all those in between.

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What I Wish I Would Have Known: Surviving the Transition From PA-S to PA-C

In this one-hour webinar, learn what it takes to get into PA school and how to make yourself a more competitive applicant.