Career Resources

Showing: 1 – 15 of 54

PA JobSource

PA JobSource is an interactive, map-based career exploration platform that is available exclusively for AAPA members. Explore the map and connect with virtually every PA employer in the United States today.

Your Step-by-Step Guide for Starting a New Job

Use our checklist to be prepared to start practicing strong on day one.

Finding Your Dream Job

There is no perfect job. Career satisfaction is highly individualized. PAs can find the right job for them by carefully considering variables like work-life balance, compensation, and work setting, and prioritizing the variables that align with their passions, values, and morals.

Explaining PA Practice to Employers

Be ready to explain PA practice to potential employers and share the ways you can contribute to medical care.

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PAs Working Abroad: Resources and Information

Practicing abroad is a great way to enhance your experience as a PA – both professionally and personally. But international practice requires more preparation than practicing in the U.S.

For New PA Graduates: Setting Yourself up for Success at your First Job

Setting yourself up for success in your first PA position involves a number of factors. In this article, the PA Career Coach provides guidance on how to identify a supportive first employer, negotiate a contract that ensures your success, and acclimate to life as a PA-C.

Keys to a Thriving PA-Physician Team

The happiest PAs feel like they are part of a vital, mutually supportive team. Read on to learn the most common roots of dissatisfying team relationships and learn the PA Career Coach’s tips for cultivating and maintaining a strong relationship with the physicians on your team.

Specialty Transitions: Researching the Best Options for You

PA Career Coach Jennifer Hohman frequently works with clients who are considering changing their specialty. Find out how she helps her clients find the right specialty for them through careful self-assessment, research, and networking.

4 Ways to Maximize Your Gap Year as a Pre-PA Student

Are you considering taking a gap year before PA school? A gap year can lead to tremendous personal and professional growth and help you become a more competitive PA program applicant.

Applying to PA School: How to Choose the Right Program

Deciding what PA programs to apply to can be a challenge. It’s important for prospective students to select programs that meet their educational desires and complement their strengths. Follow our top tips for evaluating programs and earn your seat in the next PA cohort.

PAs in Administration Offer Advice for Expanding Leadership Skills

An AAPA Huddle Ask Me session called on two experienced PAs to answer questions on developing leadership skills, knowing when to obtain an additional degree, and the advantages and disadvantages of various administration roles.

Taking A Sabbatical

PAs report high job satisfaction but also suffer from burnout, which can take extended periods to fully recover from. Taking a sabbatical from the profession has many benefits and can help foster burnout recovery.

Pre-Graduation Checklist

If you are a PA student who is nearing graduation, you have a lot to think about as you prepare to launch your PA career. Stay on top of all the major milestones and deadlines you have ahead of you with the following checklist.

New Graduate Checklist

Congratulations, Graduate! You are almost at the finish line. There are just a few more things to accomplish before you become a practicing PA. Stay on top of all the final milestones and deadlines with the following checklist.

PA Investment Opportunities

You may be familiar with terms like 401K, Roth IRA, employer match, and Health Savings Account, but are you confident you know how to leverage these savings opportunities effectively? In this article, PA 4 Finance Founder, Andrew Baker, shares his advice on kick-starting your savings and calculating your personal risk tolerance.