Career Resources

Image of a PA talking to her colleagues.

Fact-Checked: Myths About Malpractice Insurance

AAPA has partnered with CM&F for more than 20 years to provide trusted insurance protection for PAs’ assets and careers. To help you understand the complexities of malpractice insurance, they debunk five of the most common myths they hear from PAs.

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What PAs Need to Know About Malpractice Insurance

All clinically practicing PAs should carry professional liability coverage, often called malpractice insurance, during all time periods in which they practice. But the ins and outs of malpractice insurance can be confusing, so we have the official answers to nine of your most frequently asked questions.

PA Student to PA: Navigating the Transition

While the transition from program to practice may seem overwhelming and nerve-wracking, PA students can set themselves up for a successful career start with these tips.

PAs and Consent to Settle

AAPA Insurance offers consent to settle with no hammer clause, and might be the right choice for you.

How to Mitigate Negative Job References

Even the most successful PA career hits the occasional snag that can make transitioning to a new position challenging. Aside from potential contract disputes, a frequent trouble spot is obtaining a positive reference from a former employer with whom there was a conflict. Find out how you can deal with negative job references.

Cultivate Your Network: Employment References

Creating your references list is an essential part of the job search that can also help you cultivate your professional network and prepare you for inter-views.