ePosters and Research in Action

AAPA 2021 ePosters

AAPA commends the 72 research teams whose ePosters were accepted this year. COVID-19 has changed the healthcare landscape indelibly. These changes are reflected in the research at AAPA 2021 – with most research exploring one of four major themes: COVID-19; telemedicine; burnout and well-being; and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). For the coming year, you can find all of the ePosters available through our website.

AAPA 2022 Call for Research Proposals

The call for submissions for AAPA 2022’s Research in Action and ePosters will open in late November 2021 and will close in the first week of January 2022. Please check back later this year for more information!

Industry Sponsored Research

AAPA Research will not consider submissions for ePosters or Research in Action with industry or medical education company involvement or sponsorship. Authors may have relationships to industry (which must be disclosed), but the submission as well as any ePosters and presentations themselves must be independent of those relationships: written by the author without industry or medical education company planning, oversight, editing, review, financial support, or approval. Please reach out to our Business Development team to learn about opportunities for research with industry-sponsorship.