Puerto Rico: The final frontier for PA licensure

Josue Droz, PA-C, always wanted to return home. Born in Puerto Rico, he was a child when his family moved to the continental United States. “It’s always been my heart’s desire to move back here,” he says. So after he became a PA, he joined the movement to bring PA legislation to the island.

New MGMA report on PA & NP utilization released

Healthcare industry influencer Medical Group Management Association recently released a new research report and analysis that found 78 percent of better performing medical practices employ PAs and NPs.

More patients… More complex patients

If it seems like you are seeing more patients these days, and that they have more health problems than they used to, that’s because you probably are. The absolute number of patients seeking care is increasing, and many more patients have multiple chronic conditions than they did a generation, or even a decade, ago.

Houry Gebeshian: PA School Grad, Surgical PA, and Olympic Gymnast

Houry Gebeshian is a graduate of the Wake Forest PA Program, Surgical PA-C, and Olympic Gymnast competing for the Republic of Armenia. She was kind enough to agree to an interview with the Student Academy of AAPA about her experiences in PA school, surgery, and gymnastics

Hit the Ground Running: From PA-S to PA-C

My name is Alexa Llewellyn and I am a second-year Physician Assistant student from the University of Pittsburgh. I am currently finishing my final clinical rotation and will be taking the PANCE on February 27, 2016. I completed my undergraduate degree in Health Sciences at Lock Haven University in 2013. Prior to embarking on my journey to becoming a PA, I worked as a nurse aide on a med/surg and orthopedic unit at my hometown medical center.

PA Student Scholarships Available

PA Foundation student scholarships are now available for eligible PA students. Applications will be accepted through July 31, 2015.

A Day in the Life of a PA in Primary Care

I’ve been working in family medicine for two years now. Some things we do every day may seem routine, but there is nothing ordinary about how we care for our patients. Here is a recent day at my practice.