ARC-PA Commissioner Nominee

AAPA is seeking applications from AAPA fellow members interested in being nominated to serve as a Commissioner to the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA).


  • Strong background in PA education and an interest in policy mattters,
  • Familiarity with ARC-PA’s work and dedication to meeting the Commission’s goals,
  • Ability to fulfill the function and duties of the ARC-PA Commissioners,
  • and the ability to support effective communication between ARC-PA and AAPA.

Term of Appointment

PAs appointed to this commissioner role will serve a term from Jan. 2026-Dec. 2028. Commissioners may serve up to two three-year terms.

Application Process and Deadline

Applicants must provide a CV, and a letter of intent describing your qualifications and understanding of the issues surrounding the ARC-PA.

This completed application, letter of intent, and CV must be received by AAPA no later than Wednesday, February 12.

The AAPA Board of Directors will nominate candidates to the ARC-PA. The ARC-PA Commissioners will vote to elect the new commissioners. APPLY HERE.