Frequently Asked Questions

How is AAPA Responding to COVID-19?

AAPA is aggressively acting on behalf of PAs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are the ways we are helping to advocate on the profession’s behalf, amplify PA efforts, and assist PAs as they work to respond to COVID-19 at work and home.

How can I offer my skills and abilities to help in the COVID-19 response?

AAPA is hearing from many currently practicing PAs, retired PAs, PA students, and others who want to help. We’ve compiled the opportunities we’ve heard about for you – whether new employment or volunteering.


How is AAPA advocating for PAs during the COVID-19 response?

Through work with the White House, Congress, and federal agencies, AAPA is:

  • Ensuring that PAs are authorized to order home healthcare services for Medicare patients. The Home Health Care Planning Improvement Act was included in the most recent COVID-19 emergency legislation passed by the Senate and signed into law by the President. Many healthcare facilities will soon face an influx of patients. With this crucial change, PAs will be able to help free up beds for COVID-19 patients and assist in stopping the spread of the virus while ensuring continuity of care for their patients. This has been an important issue for PAs for over a decade and we were able to fast-track it as part of the response to this crisis.
  • Working to waive supervision requirements. The Administration does not have the power to waive state supervision requirements. This action is required by governors and/or state legislatures. However, we are requesting the Administration encourage governors to remove barriers to PA care such as supervision and licensure requirements. AAPA is also working to waive physician supervision requirements for PAs employed by the federal government and for PAs providing Medicare/Medicaid services.
  • Communicating our support for crucial federal efforts. AAPA’s core mission is to advocate for PAs, and we work to ensure PAs are treated equitably as healthcare providers in legislation and executive orders. But during this public health crisis, we are also urging the federal government to take other steps to protect patients and all providers in the response to COVID-19. AAPA is voicing its support for improved access to care for patients; increased availability of PPE for providers; and expedited development of a vaccine, among other measures.
  • Working with major commercial insurers, asking them to follow the lead of the federal government in relaxing healthcare delivery requirements and eliminating any barriers to PA practice, especially for psychiatric and mental health services being provided to patients.

At the state level, AAPA and our PA state chapter partners are:

  • Urging governors to waive supervisory or collaborative agreements for PAs. Some states have not waived these agreements for PAs during disasters or emergencies. In those states, AAPA is partnering with state chapters to advocate for executive orders from governors to include language temporarily waiving these agreements and immediately granting PAs more flexibility to respond to this crisis (permanent change needs to be addressed by the state legislature). Since many state legislatures have suspended their sessions in accordance with social distancing guidelines, executive orders are the fastest method for granting PAs this flexibility. AAPA has also asked the National Governors Association to recommend to their members that they waive these requirements.
  • Working to give PAs more opportunities to contribute through telehealth, or across state lines. The executive orders mentioned above also give PAs more opportunity to provide a wide range of medical services to Medicare beneficiaries via telemedicine across state lines as authorized by state law, or travel to other states to provide care.

What is AAPA doing to ensure PAs are recognized as healthcare providers contributing to the COVID-19 response?

  • Conducting strategic media relations outreach to national, state, and local media in order to bring awareness to the role and expertise of PAs, advance federal and state policy initiatives, and highlight the need to maximize the PA workforce. Of note, on March 24, The Washington Times featured an op-ed by AAPA Interim CEO and CFO Lisa M. Gables, and on March 28, The Hill featured a commentary by AAPA President David E. Mittman, PA, DFAAPA.
  • Promoting PAs’ incredible contributions to the COVID-19 response on social media and in PAs in the News, part of AAPA’s COVID-19 Resource page.
  • Arming PAs with ready-to-go tools to promote their role and key public health messages. AAPA has created a suite of shareable social media graphics, available to all PAs, to promote public health messaging and awareness of the PA profession.
  • Encouraging PAs to share their stories. You have the opportunity to share stories with AAPA about your work on the front lines of the response. This allows us to amplify your stories and your work within the PA community, as well as in the media.

How is AAPA offering PAs assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic?

AAPA’s role during the COVID-19 response is to keep you informed and ensure you have the resources you need to care for your patients. AAPA is offering that assistance by:

  • Creating a COVID-19 Resource Center on AAPA’s website, which includes public health resources, webinars and learning opportunities, practice news, and much more. We also want to help you stay connected with your fellow PAs through a COVID-19 Discussion page on AAPA’s online community, Huddle, and by offering an opportunity to share your story from the front lines of the response.
  • Providing the latest COVID-19 clinical news. Our daily clinical newsletter, Medical Watch, now includes the latest COVID-19 content to help keep you up to date. If you are a member but aren’t receiving Medical Watch, be sure to check your email preferences.
  • Responding to important inquiries. AAPA’s customer care team along with AAPA staff are ready and willing to be of assistance so please continue to reach out with any questions, concerns, or just for more information on critical areas to help you during this difficult time.

Additional Resources

We Want to Hear from You

Share your story with AAPA about your work on the front lines of the COVID-19 response.